harold.lloyd: A hundred years from now there won't be one sad f*** to look at any of this. What keeps you going?
harold.lloyd: Anne Paurillard
harold.lloyd: jean reno
harold.lloyd: Couldn't escape if I wanted to
harold.lloyd: Meanwhile, in Hangzhou
harold.lloyd: New Crobuzon
harold.lloyd: daffodils
harold.lloyd: kung fu hustle
harold.lloyd: izza daizzery
harold.lloyd: you're an old wreck off a reef on some lonely godforsaken coast
harold.lloyd: Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan, you have both unwittingly done me a small unkindness
harold.lloyd: snowlessneressness
harold.lloyd: There's a daisy: I would give you some violets, but they withered all
harold.lloyd: the night that comes with quickened pace is ignorant of dawn
harold.lloyd: I guess it's not all bad being a worm
harold.lloyd: naa, naa-naa, na-na-na-naaaaaaaaa... na-na-na-naaaaaaaaa.... hey jude....
harold.lloyd: tired as all hell
harold.lloyd: hit and run
harold.lloyd: Such heavenly touches ne'er touch'd earthly faces
harold.lloyd: Blame is just a lazy person's way of making sense of chaos.
harold.lloyd: dastardly and muttley
harold.lloyd: shall like diamonds sit about his crown
harold.lloyd: It's always this point, just after I've uploaded and finally decided that I'm content with the image, that I suddenly realise I haven't got a clue what to give as a title
harold.lloyd: fridaisy's daisy is already taken
harold.lloyd: You've got to kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight
harold.lloyd: like bubbles in a late-disturbed stream
harold.lloyd: anybody could be that guy
harold.lloyd: covetousness
harold.lloyd: burning up on re-entry
harold.lloyd: effects of courtesy, dues of gratitude