safely framed: tires, school & a view
safely framed: Rikkyo, blue elephant, & Tokyo skyline
safely framed: house, road, & electrical pole
safely framed: rice fields, yellow crate, & dead bird
safely framed: omikuji, Rikkyo, & sunset
safely framed: yellow leaves, yellow streets
safely framed: omikuji
safely framed: fumikiri
safely framed: the solitary figure under the bright sky
safely framed: if I call you, will you pick up?
safely framed: St. Pauls in the midst of hibernation
safely framed: softly yours
safely framed: snow drops and falls
safely framed: of backstreets & alleyways
safely framed: hara museum of contemporary art
safely framed: self reflections on a blustery day
safely framed: Dear my Asakusa; best of luck
safely framed: don't forget your mitties
safely framed: the lost portrait