topsafari: 20080519-20080519-IMG_3307
topsafari: At Mamaev Kurgan
topsafari: Mother Russia
topsafari: The Safaris at Mamaev Kurgan
topsafari: Eternal Flame at Mamaev Kurgan
topsafari: Changing of the guard
topsafari: It is customary to bring flowers.
topsafari: Mother Russia
topsafari: View from Mother Russia
topsafari: At Mamaev Kurgan
topsafari: Little survived the battle
topsafari: New construction, Volgograd
topsafari: War Museum
topsafari: Volga River.
topsafari: Putting flowers out for the Summer
topsafari: New apartments in construction
topsafari: Homeless man, Volgograd
topsafari: Gunboat, Volgograd Park
topsafari: Our impromptu tour guide.
topsafari: Russian soldiers graves
topsafari: Grave
topsafari: German soldiers graves
topsafari: Mass graves, German soldiers
topsafari: Memorial to young girl
topsafari: Compendium
topsafari: Volgograd
topsafari: Volgograd
topsafari: Volga Ramparts
topsafari: Dancing the night away
topsafari: Safarigal likes the action