saeru: monongahela incline- looking down
saeru: monongahela incline- looking up
saeru: 4d. buttons
saeru: 7a. belt
saeru: panoramic!
saeru: pokemon influences?
saeru: glass reflection
saeru: echo
saeru: boat closeup
saeru: boat & foliage
saeru: lovely papery flowers on vine
saeru: lovely vine
saeru: purple flower bush
saeru: tiny orange blossoms
saeru: family photo
saeru: gryffin?
saeru: cousin closeup
saeru: cousin picture
saeru: yellow 'trumpets'
saeru: i didn't know it was this pretty
saeru: green spirals
saeru: aptly named
saeru: hen and chicklets
saeru: hen and chicks
saeru: family
saeru: cousin
saeru: orange flower
saeru: more orange flames
saeru: strangely familiar
saeru: butterfly at rest