saeru: the bride & her sparklers
saeru: Tiffany lit by sparkle light
saeru: "wave it around"
saeru: playing with fire
saeru: everybody take two!
saeru: where's that garter?
saeru: creepy cat statue
saeru: bird condo
saeru: cameron sulking
saeru: a bird alighting
saeru: the nuptial teepee
saeru: dirty socks
saeru: fern path- dusties focus
saeru: fern path
saeru: lonely tree again
saeru: lonely tree in shadow
saeru: lonely tree washout
saeru: IMG_1357
saeru: IMG_1356
saeru: IMG_1355
saeru: IMG_1354
saeru: IMG_1353
saeru: IMG_1352
saeru: IMG_1351
saeru: IMG_1349
saeru: IMG_1348
saeru: IMG_1347
saeru: IMG_1346
saeru: IMG_1345
saeru: IMG_1343