sandygbandy: Watching Obama's speech on election night - Nelly's
sandygbandy: Watching Obama's speech on election night - Nelly's
sandygbandy: Watching returns on CNN - election night - Bohemian Caverns
sandygbandy: Halfway through the evening - watching returns on CNN - election night - Bohemian Caverns
sandygbandy: CNN calls the prediction - Bohemian Caverns
sandygbandy: CNN calls the prediction - Bohemian Caverns
sandygbandy: Early night anxiety - Bohemian Caverns - Election Night 2008
sandygbandy: The returns trickling in from CNN - Bohemian Caverns - Election night
sandygbandy: Early night anxiety - Bohemian Caverns - Election Night 2008
sandygbandy: Watching Obama's speech on election night - Nelly's
sandygbandy: Victory speech at Nelly's
sandygbandy: 110408 402
sandygbandy: Dare to Dream - Dancing on U St - Election night
sandygbandy: 14th and U - Election night
sandygbandy: O'Bama - Election Night - Nelly's
sandygbandy: Bohemian Caverns - election night
sandygbandy: Everyone was going between cheering and recording the moment - election night - U St
sandygbandy: Everyone was going between cheering and recording the moment - election night - U St
sandygbandy: Watching Obama's speech on election night - Nelly's
sandygbandy: Watching Obama's speech - Nelly's - Election Night
sandygbandy: Steve - Nelly's - Election night
sandygbandy: Nelly's - Election night
sandygbandy: Results and analysis on the smoking patio - Bohemian Caverns - Election night!
sandygbandy: The returns trickling in from CNN - Bohemian Caverns - Election night
sandygbandy: U St - Election night
sandygbandy: U St after the race got called
sandygbandy: Some of the line to vote at the Mary Reed Learning Center - 18th st - before 7am
sandygbandy: Line to vote - before 7 am