ctches: louie
ctches: ellie
ctches: louie
ctches: sweet sadie
ctches: louie's portrait
ctches: i see you
ctches: what is it
ctches: cat watching
ctches: looking at you
ctches: blonde deer
ctches: cute cat
ctches: cat nappin'
ctches: bad luck
ctches: you're so vain
ctches: what is that?
ctches: posed
ctches: is there something in my teeth?
ctches: what'd you say
ctches: cat's wood bird
ctches: ugly hog
ctches: please pet me!
ctches: louie's eyes
ctches: ellie's eyes
ctches: the eyes say it all
ctches: i'm watching you
ctches: don't even think about it
ctches: what now?
ctches: smells good to me
ctches: peek-a-boo
ctches: going down?