sadat81: Back Alley at night, Chicago
sadat81: Crossing the street, Chicago
sadat81: Lunch special, Chicago
sadat81: Waiting for the lights, Chicago
sadat81: Back alley lights, Chicago
sadat81: Going home, Chicago
sadat81: Water front View on City, Chicago
sadat81: The lines, Chicago
sadat81: Back Alley in B&W, Chicago
sadat81: Chipotle ahead, Chicago
sadat81: Elevated, Chicago
sadat81: Density, Chicago
sadat81: The Last Glimpse of the Sun, Chicago
sadat81: Cloud Gate, Chicago
sadat81: Cloud Gate in Blue, Chicago
sadat81: Skyscrappers and plane, Chicago
sadat81: Steam fumes, Chicago
sadat81: Silent pass overs, Chicago
sadat81: Glass and steel rising from meadows, Chicago