hayespdx: xti_0866
hayespdx: xti_1293
hayespdx: IMG_9958
hayespdx: IMG_0013
hayespdx: xti_0842
hayespdx: xti_1172
hayespdx: xti_1131
hayespdx: xti_1217
hayespdx: xti_1207
hayespdx: jaws of hell
hayespdx: punishment of greed
hayespdx: banana phone
hayespdx: "A" of charlemagne (12th cent.)
hayespdx: saint foy (9th century)
hayespdx: saint foy (9th century)
hayespdx: saint foy (9th century)
hayespdx: saint foy (9th century)
hayespdx: IMG_9755
hayespdx: annunciation
hayespdx: xti_0941c
hayespdx: xti_1025
hayespdx: IMG_9859
hayespdx: xti_1075
hayespdx: xti_1161
hayespdx: xti_1259c
hayespdx: xti_0830
hayespdx: xti_1264
hayespdx: IMG_9777
hayespdx: IMG_0045
hayespdx: Portable Altar of Begon (1100)