hayespdx: south tympanum
hayespdx: abraham, isaac and the ram
hayespdx: xti_4694c
hayespdx: xti_4698
hayespdx: xti_4709
hayespdx: xti_4731
hayespdx: xti_4742
hayespdx: IMG_7182
hayespdx: xti_5211
hayespdx: xti_5247
hayespdx: xti_5219
hayespdx: xti_5466
hayespdx: xti_5554
hayespdx: xti_5221c
hayespdx: IMG_7189
hayespdx: xti_5461
hayespdx: IMG_7201
hayespdx: xti_5463
hayespdx: xti_5253c
hayespdx: xti_5260c
hayespdx: xti_5261c
hayespdx: IMG_7240
hayespdx: IMG_7226
hayespdx: IMG_7228
hayespdx: IMG_7251
hayespdx: IMG_7267
hayespdx: Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral
hayespdx: Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral
hayespdx: Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral
hayespdx: Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral