hayespdx: rose window
hayespdx: rose window detail
hayespdx: rose window detail
hayespdx: west facade
hayespdx: west facade
hayespdx: lion
hayespdx: beasties of the west facade
hayespdx: beasties of the west facade
hayespdx: beasties of the west facade
hayespdx: beasties of the west facade
hayespdx: beasties of the southwest corner
hayespdx: sun and crescent moon
hayespdx: wyvern on bronze west door
hayespdx: arcade
hayespdx: south side
hayespdx: men of troia
hayespdx: troia
hayespdx: troia
hayespdx: xti_4440
hayespdx: xti_4429
hayespdx: tour guide