hayespdx: Bridge over the Seine
hayespdx: Eiffel Tower
hayespdx: View of Paris
hayespdx: Nice wheels
hayespdx: Winged Victory
hayespdx: Code of Hammurabi
hayespdx: Greek inscription
hayespdx: Movies in Paris
hayespdx: very ancient sculpture
hayespdx: aurelius
hayespdx: caracalla
hayespdx: thedosius ii
hayespdx: eternal rest
hayespdx: par1 119
hayespdx: church art from tyre
hayespdx: gotcha
hayespdx: most photographed woman in the world
hayespdx: virgin and child in majesty
hayespdx: virgin and child in majesty
hayespdx: venus de milo
hayespdx: louvre
hayespdx: paris church
hayespdx: four seasons george v, paris
hayespdx: below the eiffel tower
hayespdx: par1 007
hayespdx: par3 004
hayespdx: IMG_2206
hayespdx: xti_9005
hayespdx: xti_9006
hayespdx: xti_9007