denterre605: Wells Fargo Center 071006 (17)-B&W
denterre605: Wells Fargo Center Palm Trees-B&W
denterre605: Wells Fargo Center 071006 (6)
denterre605: Tower Bridge with paddle wheel of Delta King in foreground-B&W
denterre605: Wells Fargo Center 071006 (10)-B&W
denterre605: Spire of Cathedral from 12th and J St-B&W
denterre605: Morning sun reflects off Renaissance Tower-B&W
denterre605: Known locally as th Ban Roll On Building-B&W
denterre605: Townhomes -Q St-Mar04 2007-BW
denterre605: Three Crosses atop the Spires-B&W
denterre605: Reflections-Wells Fargo Center 071006 (9)-B&W
denterre605: Lines-B&W
denterre605: Inside Capitol Rotunda main floor-B&W
denterre605: Il Fornaio Restaurant Sacramento at Wells Fargo Center-B&W
denterre605: Il Fornaio Restaurant Sacramento 071006 (8)-B&W
denterre605: Il Fornaio Restaurant Entrance Sacramento B&W
denterre605: Governors Study early 1900's-B&W
denterre605: Governors office in early 1900's-B&W
denterre605: Gallery of State Senate Chambers-B&W
denterre605: Capitol-Rotunda
denterre605: Chamber from early 1900's-1-B&W
denterre605: Wells Fargo Center -Stage Coach 071006
denterre605: Capitol-Conference Room Early 1900's