Studio Sarah Lou: The Libertine
Studio Sarah Lou: The Libertine
Studio Sarah Lou: upstairs dining area
Studio Sarah Lou: Pumpkin Bisque
Studio Sarah Lou: Pumpkin Bisque
Studio Sarah Lou: Todd English
Studio Sarah Lou: 'Fish and Chips'
Studio Sarah Lou: beer and biscuit
Studio Sarah Lou: The Libertine
Studio Sarah Lou: Grilled Venison Loin
Studio Sarah Lou: Grilled Venison Loin
Studio Sarah Lou: Caramel Bread Pudding
Studio Sarah Lou: The Libertine
Studio Sarah Lou: The Libertine
Studio Sarah Lou: Me and Peter
Studio Sarah Lou: Me and Peter
Studio Sarah Lou: Me and Peter
Studio Sarah Lou: The Libertine
Studio Sarah Lou: The Libertine
Studio Sarah Lou: with Todd English!
Studio Sarah Lou: I heart Todd English
Studio Sarah Lou: Todd English
Studio Sarah Lou: Todd English
Studio Sarah Lou: Todd English
Studio Sarah Lou: Kiss the Chef!
Studio Sarah Lou: Todd and Me!