SACI - FLORENCE: The Beautiful Uncut Hair of Graves
SACI - FLORENCE: Images from Das Gift installation and performance in Maidoff Gallery
SACI - FLORENCE: Images from Das Gift installation and performance in Maidoff Gallery
SACI - FLORENCE: Images from Das Gift installation and performance in Maidoff Gallery
SACI - FLORENCE: Images from Das Gift installation and performance in Maidoff Gallery
SACI - FLORENCE: Images from Das Gift installation and performance in Maidoff Gallery
SACI - FLORENCE: Images from Das Gift installation and performance in Maidoff Gallery
SACI - FLORENCE: Images from Das Gift installation and performance in Maidoff Gallery
SACI - FLORENCE: Images from Das Gift installation and performance in Maidoff Gallery
SACI - FLORENCE: Show 'Corpi Sottili' curated by multimedia instructor Dejan Atanackovic
SACI - FLORENCE: Show 'Corpi Sottili' curated by multimedia instructor Dejan Atanackovic
SACI - FLORENCE: Show 'Corpi Sottili' curated by multimedia instructor Dejan Atanackovic
SACI - FLORENCE: Show 'Corpi Sottili' curated by multimedia instructor Dejan Atanackovic
SACI - FLORENCE: Show 'Corpi Sottili' curated by multimedia instructor Dejan Atanackovic
SACI - FLORENCE: Show 'Corpi Sottili' curated by multimedia instructor Dejan Atanackovic
SACI - FLORENCE: Show 'Corpi Sottili' curated by multimedia instructor Dejan Atanackovic
SACI - FLORENCE: Show 'Corpi Sottili' curated by multimedia instructor Dejan Atanackovic
SACI - FLORENCE: Rendell Julia Beg sculpture summer 2012 Week 4 Patination
SACI - FLORENCE: Avagliano Christina Int sculpture summer 2012 Week 1 modelling from life
SACI - FLORENCE: Avagliano Christina Int sculpture summer 2012 Week 2 the casting process
SACI - FLORENCE: Avagliano Christina Int sculpture summer 2012 Week 2 the casting process
SACI - FLORENCE: Avagliano Christina Int sculpture summer 2012 Week 3 the carving process
SACI - FLORENCE: Avagliano Christina Int sculpture summer 2012 Week 3a the marble carving process