SACI - FLORENCE: Photography field trip to Museum Alinari with SACI instructor Romeo Di Loreto
SACI - FLORENCE: Photography field trip to Museum Alinari with SACI instructor Romeo Di Loreto
SACI - FLORENCE: Photography field trip to Museum Alinari with SACI instructor Romeo Di Loreto
SACI - FLORENCE: Photography field trip to Museum Alinari with SACI instructor Romeo Di Loreto
SACI - FLORENCE: Photography field trip to Museum Alinari with SACI instructor Romeo Di Loreto
SACI - FLORENCE: Photography field trip to Museum Alinari with SACI instructor Romeo Di Loreto
SACI - FLORENCE: Winnie Duong - Advanced Color Photography
SACI - FLORENCE: Bailey Ratta - Advanced Color Photography
SACI - FLORENCE: Emily Rath - Advanced Color Photography
SACI - FLORENCE: Teresa Kroemer Adv Color Photo
SACI - FLORENCE: Jacqueline Silberbush Color Photo
SACI - FLORENCE: Winnie Duong Advanced Photographic Techniques
SACI - FLORENCE: Dana Wendt Advanced Photographic Techniques
SACI - FLORENCE: Rachelle Yankowich Photo I A
SACI - FLORENCE: Ann Cascella Photo I B
SACI - FLORENCE: Taylor Maroney Photo II
SACI - FLORENCE: Nathan Young Photo II
SACI - FLORENCE: Sarah Wiethe Photo II
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta
SACI - FLORENCE: BAM photography student workshop with Antonio Manta