Sachin Gurule: DSC06962
Sachin Gurule: DSC06961
Sachin Gurule: Plant bug
Sachin Gurule: Plant bug
Sachin Gurule: Coccon of Moth
Sachin Gurule: Grasshopper
Sachin Gurule: Plant bug
Sachin Gurule: Plant bug
Sachin Gurule: Beetle in copulation phase
Sachin Gurule: Beetle in copulation phase
Sachin Gurule: Beetle in copulation phase
Sachin Gurule: Beetle in copulation phase
Sachin Gurule: Beetle in copulation phase
Sachin Gurule: Praying mantis
Sachin Gurule: Praying mantis
Sachin Gurule: Praying mantis
Sachin Gurule: Praying mantis
Sachin Gurule: Praying mantis
Sachin Gurule: Praying mantis
Sachin Gurule: Praying mantis and beetle face to face for war
Sachin Gurule: 070709 Unid
Sachin Gurule: 070709 Unid
Sachin Gurule: 070709 Unid
Sachin Gurule: 070709 Unid
Sachin Gurule: 070709 Scorpion Fly
Sachin Gurule: 070709 Unid