Steven_Anthony: let's get out of here
Steven_Anthony: the world is ours
Steven_Anthony: mountains beyond mountains
Steven_Anthony: me and my shadow
Steven_Anthony: romantic rights
Steven_Anthony: all that i got is you
Steven_Anthony: second to last
Steven_Anthony: you know i should be leaving soon
Steven_Anthony: i was born, i have lived, i will surely die
Steven_Anthony: now and forever
Steven_Anthony: we will become silhouettes
Steven_Anthony: i'm new here
Steven_Anthony: caring is creepy
Steven_Anthony: black flag
Steven_Anthony: things to come
Steven_Anthony: can it all be so simple
Steven_Anthony: where are we going?
Steven_Anthony: black flies
Steven_Anthony: among brothers
Steven_Anthony: show you something
Steven_Anthony: hide or seek
Steven_Anthony: shelter
Steven_Anthony: just a little heat
Steven_Anthony: true confession
Steven_Anthony: human behaviour
Steven_Anthony: country
Steven_Anthony: rebel rebel
Steven_Anthony: pipe dreams
Steven_Anthony: James Bright
Steven_Anthony: everlasting light