Sumner_: Gathering for dinner
Sumner_: Eating on benches
Sumner_: Rachel prepares s'mores
Sumner_: Jo enjoys peeps
Sumner_: Dinner is winding down
Sumner_: Rowan enjoys the fire
Sumner_: Ben inspects a marshmallow
Sumner_: Preping breakfast
Sumner_: Victor helps out
Sumner_: Anna readies toast
Sumner_: Rachel's fixing the best pancakes ever
Sumner_: Mapping our lives
Sumner_: It's arts and crafts time!
Sumner_: Making birthday cards #1
Sumner_: Making birthday cards #2
Sumner_: Pizza time #1
Sumner_: Pizza time #2
Sumner_: Pizza time #3
Sumner_: Pizza time #4
Sumner_: Holly needs caffeine
Sumner_: Pizza time #5
Sumner_: Pizza time #6
Sumner_: Some final crafts before lunch
Sumner_: Out exploring!
Sumner_: View of Boston from the Athenaeum's 5th floor