the fat cow: Morning wrestling
the fat cow: Before we go to sleep, reading the latest news on our labtop
the fat cow: Help hanging up the curtains, which mysteriously came down as we were gone....
the fat cow: Quigley-wiggely
the fat cow: Quigley and Chap cuddeling
the fat cow: Sleepy-sleepy-time
the fat cow: Katzenschweinerei in der Küche
the fat cow: Die wollen raus
the fat cow: Quigley waiting for the tampon to be thrown
the fat cow: Quigley and the toy box
the fat cow: Chap on fred
the fat cow: Quigley and her tampon
the fat cow: Chap expecting food
the fat cow: Quigley getting food
the fat cow: Quigley, getting food
the fat cow: Waiting to get out
the fat cow: Chap on our bed
the fat cow: Quigley
the fat cow: Quigley waiting for the Flying Tampon
the fat cow: Thursday Evening at Home
the fat cow: Thursday Evening at Home
the fat cow: Thursday Evening at Home
the fat cow: Thursday Evening at Home
the fat cow: Thursday Evening at Home