sabele: The picnic basket fit snug behind my seat.
sabele: Brian prepares for golf
sabele: Naomi
sabele: Miles.
sabele: Car. Bike. Person.
sabele: 9-6-05
sabele: Proof. I was in DC.
sabele: ... because I was scared.
sabele: In the old days...
sabele: I wanted to ride on this, but it was empty.
sabele: Dragons?
sabele: Lichtenstein!
sabele: Hirshhorn Sculture Garden
sabele: Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden
sabele: fire hydrant on the Mall
sabele: Roses in September?
sabele: petrified wood
sabele: more petrified wood
sabele: furrowed brows
sabele: wine bottles
sabele: calder!
sabele: me!
sabele: my legs
sabele: what once was breakfast
sabele: owen and charles live here
sabele: my car at their house
sabele: owen and charles like spiders
sabele: the dining room