sabel: Haggis!
sabel: Trying hapa Isakaya, in Kits
sabel: Trying hapa Isakaya, in Kits
sabel: Diner after a visit at TNT
sabel: Diner after a visit at TNT
sabel: Diner after a visit at TNT
sabel: Lunch at the dim sum place
sabel: Lunch at the dim sum place
sabel: Crab!
sabel: sesame seeds cheesecake
sabel: Livia and the shrimps
sabel: The usual whole grilled squid
sabel: salmon sashimi
sabel: shark fin and jelly fish salad!
sabel: What was that?
sabel: squid, pork
sabel: Crab cakes at the fish House
sabel: Dessert at CHOW, on Granville
sabel: Main Course at CHOW
sabel: Apetizer at Chow
sabel: Main Course at CHOW
sabel: Apetizer at Chow
sabel: Dessert at CHOW, on Granville
sabel: Arriving at Denman and Davie corner at night
sabel: Evening at Casa Tapas for my birthday
sabel: Evening at Casa Tapas for my birthday
sabel: Evening at Casa Tapas for my birthday
sabel: Evening at Casa Tapas for my birthday