nana_77: ◆ just in case(s) #1
nana_77: ◆ just in case(s) #2
nana_77: ◆ just in case(s) #3
nana_77: ◆ my 3rd. hand #1
nana_77: ◆ my 3rd. hand #2
nana_77: ◆ breakfast #1
nana_77: ◆ breakfast #2
nana_77: ◆ breakfast #3
nana_77: ◆ past times #1 ~her foot steps~
nana_77: ◆ past times #2 ~marianne~
nana_77: ◆ past times #3 ~I
nana_77: ◆ days of our lives #1 / TRUST
nana_77: ◆ days of our lives #2 / HESITATION
nana_77: ◆ daysof our lives #3 / COMFORT
nana_77: ◆ night and day #2  -temperature-
nana_77: ◆ night and day #1  -calm-