Saalon: trains behind the hotel
Saalon: porte saint-denis
Saalon: the sign of pompidou
Saalon: the pipes of pompidou
Saalon: pompidou 1
Saalon: pompidou 2
Saalon: every street in paris
Saalon: syndicat de l'epicerie francaise
Saalon: mosiac
Saalon: i honestly don't remember, but it's beautiful
Saalon: i don't remember part 2
Saalon: silencio
Saalon: we rode a boat
Saalon: boat from a boat
Saalon: someone told me this is famous
Saalon: visages pont neuf
Saalon: seine scene
Saalon: fontaine du palmier
Saalon: tour saint-jacques
Saalon: the first of many churches
Saalon: erin on the seine