bandarji: Being friendly and silly and having a great time
bandarji: This is the location just outside Whitefield
bandarji: Helping buid a clothing rack
bandarji: Setting up places for seating
bandarji: Anjali, Raina and Jaya
bandarji: Me and Vasu
bandarji: Decorative leaves
bandarji: Key to the store
bandarji: Me and Anjali waiting for the puja at The Tuckshop
bandarji: The Tuckshop is opening soon
bandarji: Setting up for the ceremony
bandarji: We're gonna need more tape
bandarji: The pujari with signage for The Tuckshop
bandarji: One cool fella
bandarji: Raina happily waiting for the puja to begin
bandarji: The pujari begins
bandarji: Tuckshop Puja: Flowers Thrown About
bandarji: The pujari hands a plate over to the building owner for an offering
bandarji: Flowers are a big part of the ceremony
bandarji: Offering sweets
bandarji: The Tuckshop Puja