bandarji: Workers outside Karnak, the oldest standing temple in the world
bandarji: Precinct of Amun-Re, the entrance to Karnak
bandarji: Many sphinxes
bandarji: Precinct of Amun-Re entrance
bandarji: Karnak outer wall
bandarji: Carvings are on every wall within Karnak
bandarji: Massive column in Karnak
bandarji: Huge statues in Karnak
bandarji: Huge statues
bandarji: Many statues are just ruins
bandarji: Relaxing in Karnak
bandarji: The ceiling was over seventy-five feet above and these columns are made from stone brought in from over one hundred miles away
bandarji: It is a shame most of the statues are ruins
bandarji: These shorter columns of about forty feet in height probably only held a wooden ceiling
bandarji: Amazing to see some of the paint has survived thousands of years
bandarji: A story carved into the Karnak wall
bandarji: More statues
bandarji: Check out these statue legs - must have been a grand entrance to see back in the day
bandarji: Of the four obelisks here, only two are standing. One is over fifty feet tall, weighing more than three hundred tons!
bandarji: Water!
bandarji: I could not believe the paint was still visible in some areas
bandarji: Karnak Temple
bandarji: The darkened band is where the sand level was in the early 1800's
bandarji: Luxor. The Nile is huge; very wide.
bandarji: These guys scared the crap out of us. All of a sudden this boat comes up to us with three guys armed with assault rifles, yelling something in Arabic
bandarji: The airport; back to Cairo