steve.schubert: Morro Rock peregrine falcon field trip
steve.schubert: Wild Birds Unlimited, vendor's faire
steve.schubert: Amy, pouring Hi Mountain Red Wine at bird festival reception
steve.schubert: Hi Mtn. Lookout Project display board, winter bird festival '09
steve.schubert: 'Condor Country' field trip
steve.schubert: Bitter Creek N'tl Wildlife Refuge
steve.schubert: Valle Vista campground, condor in flight
steve.schubert: 'Condor Country' field trip, Hwy. 166
steve.schubert: Valle Vista campground, condor in flight
steve.schubert: Nick Todd, field trip co-leader, radiotracking
steve.schubert: Steve Schubert, field trip co-leader; condors in flight
steve.schubert: Condors and ravens soaring
steve.schubert: Condors and ravens soaring
steve.schubert: Condors in flight