S_Schons: 001- barn with woven garden stakes
S_Schons: 002- ready for the start
S_Schons: 003- waiting for the start
S_Schons: 004- buying a plant
S_Schons: 005- buying plants
S_Schons: 006- learning about the plants
S_Schons: 007- looking at plants
S_Schons: 008- people shopping
S_Schons: 009- sale looking towards the barn
S_Schons: 010- musicians playing
S_Schons: 011- listening to the music
S_Schons: 012- the plant sale
S_Schons: 013- looking at shurbbery
S_Schons: 014- the plant sale looking toward the barn
S_Schons: 015- at the check out
S_Schons: 016- apple and arched bench
S_Schons: 017- exploring the nature center
S_Schons: 018- the barn
S_Schons: 019- Silo next to the barn
S_Schons: 020- birdfeeder
S_Schons: 021- learning about nature
S_Schons: 022- begonia
S_Schons: 023- bleeding heart
S_Schons: 024- bluebells
S_Schons: 025- cart full of plants
S_Schons: 026- columbine
S_Schons: 027- cylinder vase
S_Schons: 028- fairy house
S_Schons: 029- ground ivy
S_Schons: 030- pink flower