s_mestdagh: Camping in Utah
s_mestdagh: Checking out the S. Fork of Maidenwater Canyon
s_mestdagh: S. Fork of Maidenwater Canyon
s_mestdagh: S. Fork of Maidenwater Canyon
s_mestdagh: S. Fork of Maidenwater Canyon
s_mestdagh: Linda in S. Fork of Maidenwater Canyon
s_mestdagh: Julia enjoying some water in S. Fork of Maidenwater Canyon
s_mestdagh: Camping
s_mestdagh: Julia
s_mestdagh: Camping
s_mestdagh: Camping in Utah
s_mestdagh: Desert Art
s_mestdagh: Getting to the camp site
s_mestdagh: Bridget and Julia in Munchkin
s_mestdagh: Munchkin Canyon