s_mestdagh: Bill demonstrating trout on a stick
s_mestdagh: Nice view on the hike up
s_mestdagh: Bill taking a snooze on the way up
s_mestdagh: Flowers in the burn area
s_mestdagh: Steve
s_mestdagh: Cascades on hike up
s_mestdagh: Cascades below Bomber Lake
s_mestdagh: Bill at the Bomber Lake beach
s_mestdagh: Bomber Lake beach
s_mestdagh: Potential ascent
s_mestdagh: Potential ascent
s_mestdagh: Spider Peak
s_mestdagh: Spider Peak
s_mestdagh: Bomber Lake
s_mestdagh: Lake 10,359 north of Spider Peak
s_mestdagh: Bighorn posing on the ridge of Spider Peak
s_mestdagh: small lake west of Spider Peak
s_mestdagh: Bill waiting for rain to stop
s_mestdagh: Bomber Lake from SE buttress
s_mestdagh: Potential ascents
s_mestdagh: Potential ascents
s_mestdagh: Potential ascents
s_mestdagh: Potential ascents
s_mestdagh: Bill amidst the "Sacred" Cairns
s_mestdagh: Steve amidst the "Sacred" Cairns
s_mestdagh: "Sacred" Cairns
s_mestdagh: East Torrey Creek - above the bridge
s_mestdagh: East Torrey Creek - below the bridge