s_mestdagh: Emma rapelling into Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: Bob & Garett getting ready for a pothole
s_mestdagh: Julia having fun in Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: Garett, Bob, Chris, Emma, Steve & Sarah
s_mestdagh: Julia
s_mestdagh: Steve
s_mestdagh: Chris, Sarah & Emma
s_mestdagh: Having fun in Larry
s_mestdagh: Julia in Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: We love potholes!
s_mestdagh: Julia & Mia
s_mestdagh: Garett, Sarah, Emma & Bob in Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: Emma & Steve
s_mestdagh: Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: The subway section of Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: The gang having lunch
s_mestdagh: Julia repalling in Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: Sarah, Emma & Julia
s_mestdagh: View from above
s_mestdagh: Sarah exiting Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: Hiking out of Larry Canyon
s_mestdagh: Julia, Steve & Chris
s_mestdagh: Julia, Sarah & Emma
s_mestdagh: Bob & Garett
s_mestdagh: Julia rapelling into Sprite Canyon
s_mestdagh: Emma repalling into Sprite Canyon
s_mestdagh: Sarah going down Sprite
s_mestdagh: Julia
s_mestdagh: Sarah & Emma
s_mestdagh: Emma