s_mestdagh: Mia coming down the first rap of the North Fork of No Man's Canyon
s_mestdagh: Steve cutting out the original sling around the jammed pebble anchor
s_mestdagh: Working on the anchor slingage
s_mestdagh: 130' of air below my butt. No turning back now!
s_mestdagh: Mia coming down the Big Rappel
s_mestdagh: Mia coming down the Big Rappel
s_mestdagh: A closeup of Bob coming down the Big Rappel
s_mestdagh: We came out of that crack!
s_mestdagh: On the hike out of North Fork of No Mans Canyon
s_mestdagh: Camp at the head of West Fork of Blue John Canyon
s_mestdagh: Emma and Julia
s_mestdagh: Garett, Julia & Emma in the Lost Springs Fork exit canyon
s_mestdagh: Garett working thru a tight slot
s_mestdagh: The kids canyoneering
s_mestdagh: Garett chimneying!
s_mestdagh: Emma showing Sara how to chimney
s_mestdagh: Nice chimneying, Julia!
s_mestdagh: Julia showing Papa how to chimney