s_mestdagh: MIlls, NM
s_mestdagh: Roy, NM
s_mestdagh: Cows run to the diesel truck looking for food
s_mestdagh: Julia & Mia hunting Easter eggs.
s_mestdagh: Julia checking the Easter egg hunt take
s_mestdagh: Miserable Easter weather
s_mestdagh: Flowers & Cactus at Carlsbad Caverns NP
s_mestdagh: Flowers at Carlsbad Caverns NP
s_mestdagh: Berberis at Carlsbad Caverns NP
s_mestdagh: The hike into Last Chance Canyon
s_mestdagh: Julia climbing at Last Chance Canyon
s_mestdagh: One of the caves at Last Chance
s_mestdagh: Fire above the Last Chance climbing area
s_mestdagh: Cane Cholla @ Guadalupe Mountains National Park
s_mestdagh: Steve & Julia at Guadalupe Mountains National Park
s_mestdagh: A view from close to the camp ground
s_mestdagh: Hundreds of Turkey Vultures about Dog Canyon
s_mestdagh: Steve & Julia on a hike about Dog Canyon
s_mestdagh: Alligator Juniper - look at the bark
s_mestdagh: Big Dog Canyon - North of El Paso Gap
s_mestdagh: Cienega School @ Dell City, Texas
s_mestdagh: Irrigation Circle: where the water meets the desert - Dell City, Texas
s_mestdagh: Julia bouldering at Hueco
s_mestdagh: Mia at Hueco
s_mestdagh: Steve having at it
s_mestdagh: Indian Wells
s_mestdagh: Nice weather @ Oliver Lee Memorial State Park
s_mestdagh: Flowers at Oliver Lee Memorial State Park
s_mestdagh: Gran Quivira
s_mestdagh: Gran Quivira