S.D.: DSC_8194
S.D.: DSC_8224
S.D.: DSC_8202
S.D.: DSC_8145
S.D.: 20190428_225755
S.D.: 20190428_220551
S.D.: 20190428_225714
S.D.: 20190424_225255
S.D.: 20190424_222723
S.D.: Finally, after weeks of cloudy nights, I was able to use the telescope and take photos using the reducer lens. #Celestron #Nexstar
S.D.: DSC_8232_DxO-V
S.D.: I've been practicing stacking images from an AVI file. The video was from a Nikon D300s which is less than ideal, but worked ok for a first attempt.
S.D.: 2019-07-08_06-00-39
S.D.: IMG_20190713_223143_966
S.D.: IMG_20190713_223143_980
S.D.: IMG_20190713_231838_390
S.D.: 22_12_22_lapl4_ap7-001
S.D.: 22_31_53_lapl5_ap4_Drizzle15-001
S.D.: 20190726_223852
S.D.: 20190726_222439
S.D.: 20190726_220651
S.D.: 20190726_215729
S.D.: 20190726_211856
S.D.: Astronomy