__Steve SG__: White Pelican in the Mississippi River near St Louis, Missouri
__Steve SG__: White Pelican in the Mississippi River near St. Louis, Missouri
__Steve SG__: White Pelican in the Mississippi River
__Steve SG__: Pelican takeoff, Cozumel Island, Mexico
__Steve SG__: Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico
__Steve SG__: Snow Geese in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Snow Geese in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Snow Geese in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico
__Steve SG__: Snow Geese in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Snow Geese in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: White Egret
__Steve SG__: The Glaring Owl
__Steve SG__: Cinnamon teal takeoff at Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico
__Steve SG__: Cinnamon teals at the Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico
__Steve SG__: Royal terns, Florida
__Steve SG__: Seagull over the Mississippi River near St Louis, Missouri
__Steve SG__: Ferocious Woodpecker!!!
__Steve SG__: Sunset in the Afar triangle, Ethiopia
__Steve SG__: Birds in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
__Steve SG__: Tufted titmouse
__Steve SG__: Female northern cardinal