s2art: blue
s2art: | OO | OO | OO
s2art: hole in the wall
s2art: generations 1
s2art: South Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 2005-09-29 16:58:11
s2art: | + |
s2art: generations 3
s2art: lean
s2art: ashamed
s2art: blu-tac
s2art: ASX
s2art: stain
s2art: unstuck
s2art: keyhole
s2art: photographers x 2
s2art: Nicholas Building 2005-09-29 14:43:44
s2art: Stairwell, Nicholas Building 2005-09-29
s2art: No Standing
s2art: the new white slavery
s2art: not long after this....
s2art: which door?
s2art: drink up