s0crates82: portrait of a young woman
s0crates82: offering vessel
s0crates82: calendar detail
s0crates82: religious calendar
s0crates82: caligula
s0crates82: augustus
s0crates82: torso
s0crates82: victorious youth
s0crates82: IMG_9474
s0crates82: IMG_9472
s0crates82: IMG_9470
s0crates82: horse head key
s0crates82: griffins attacking a doe
s0crates82: lion's head waterspout
s0crates82: pitcher with lions and sphinxes
s0crates82: female figure, stargazer
s0crates82: pregnant female figure
s0crates82: satyr pouring wine
s0crates82: leda and the swan
s0crates82: landsowne herakles
s0crates82: IMG_9413
s0crates82: IMG_9405
s0crates82: IMG_9398
s0crates82: IMG_9396
s0crates82: IMG_9394
s0crates82: mercury
s0crates82: bacchus
s0crates82: IMG_9384
s0crates82: IMG_9381
s0crates82: IMG_9377