S0Cal: Nice Toro for Kelly
S0Cal: Kelly with Toro #2
S0Cal: Approaching Isla de Meanguera
S0Cal: Kelly and Isla de Meanguera
S0Cal: Touring the islad on the dinghy
S0Cal: Sleeping dog
S0Cal: Morning traffic jam
S0Cal: Noni Fruit
S0Cal: 6 lobsters in dinghy
S0Cal: Pull the drain, and make a lobster tank
S0Cal: dinghy behind Samadhi
S0Cal: Kelly with lobsters
S0Cal: local oyster divers
S0Cal: Kelly inspects the oysters
S0Cal: choosing the best shellfish
S0Cal: Rinsing the oysters
S0Cal: OMG the lobsters changed color!
S0Cal: Extra parts
S0Cal: Serving the lobsters with fresh oysters
S0Cal: Oysters
S0Cal: Kelly prepares "lunch"
S0Cal: Samadhi @ Isla de Meanguera
S0Cal: Fishing!
S0Cal: Kelly enjoys her book
S0Cal: Y.A.S. (Yet Another Sunset)
S0Cal: Stream, Bahia Santa Elena, Costa Rica
S0Cal: Kelly and the falls
S0Cal: Dinghy parking lot
S0Cal: Samadhi V, Hooligan and Carpe Vita
S0Cal: Samadhi @ Bahia Santa Elena