Ryser915: Eastern Screech Owl
Ryser915: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Ryser915: Red Crossbills
Ryser915: Red Crossbills (Types 3 and 10)
Ryser915: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Ryser915: Red Crossbills (type 3)
Ryser915: Clapper Rail
Ryser915: Clapper Rail
Ryser915: Chuck-will's Widow
Ryser915: Clapper Rail
Ryser915: Virginia Rail
Ryser915: Song
Ryser915: Orange-crowned Warbler and Northern Parula
Ryser915: Virginia Rails
Ryser915: Vesper Sparrow
Ryser915: King Rail
Ryser915: King Rail
Ryser915: King Rail
Ryser915: Quiz
Ryser915: Northern Bobwhite
Ryser915: House Wren
Ryser915: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
Ryser915: Barred Owls