Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Not my picture but the official USAU poster.
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Support your local Athlet. "Just a stone's throw away" Valerie Carter.
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: The Politics reign with "49, 3" & the People of France is proud to present a new game for the olympics...😜
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: "Hands up!" Rory Gallagher.
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: DSC_4900_HDR
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: DSC_4905_HDR
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: "Graffiti's not dead!"
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: "La liberté guidant le peuple" Eugène Delacroix. ("Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" / Women, Life, Freedom / Femmes, Vie, Liberté).
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: DSC_4918_HDR