~AlRynn~: Hope is the last thing to die...
~AlRynn~: I know that I could make this world peaceful and calm, if I only could get my hands on a hydrogen bomb
~AlRynn~: He who chooses the beginning of the road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determines the end
~AlRynn~: Nature is the best painter! =D
~AlRynn~: 35/365 That it will never come again is what makes life sweet
~AlRynn~: 24/356 Want some chocolate?
~AlRynn~: 20/365 Pearls...
~AlRynn~: 15/365 Was supposed to be me...
~AlRynn~: Pur Desir
~AlRynn~: 5/365 Real Coffee
~AlRynn~: Canon shot
~AlRynn~: Ring keeper
~AlRynn~: Geometry
~AlRynn~: Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off
~AlRynn~: Winter
~AlRynn~: Yura
~AlRynn~: Autumn colors
~AlRynn~: Japanese gates
~AlRynn~: IMG_6011
~AlRynn~: There are always flowers for those who want to see them