rylarose: 17/365 - This is Grayden
rylarose: 16/365 - I loved her first...
rylarose: 15/365 - You don't see people cut their lawn with scissors do you?
rylarose: 14/365 -
rylarose: 13/366 - Did I make the team?
rylarose: 12/366 - Cursing my Ancestors
rylarose: 11/366 - Six Years Ago Our World Was Blessed
rylarose: 10/366 - God wrote a poem
rylarose: 9/366 - Freshly Waxed Gym
rylarose: 8/366
rylarose: 7/366 - Gord the Pug.
rylarose: 6/366 - Gray is spelled "grey" in Canada.
rylarose: 5/366 Dyson to the Rescue!!!!
rylarose: 4/365 - A Ceiling That Leaks
rylarose: January 3-2
rylarose: 2/365 Gord the Pug
rylarose: January 1
rylarose: 18/365 - Does it hurt when I poke here?
rylarose: 19/366 - Gord the pug
rylarose: 20/366 - Can you find my kids at IKEA?
rylarose: 21/366 - Jealous Brother
rylarose: 22/366 - Perfection..almost
rylarose: 23/366 Where's your toy?
rylarose: 24/365 - Wall of Honour
rylarose: 25/366 - In case of fire
rylarose: 26/365 - Long day at work...
rylarose: 27/365 - Really?.....Really?
rylarose: I laughed so hard I peed!
rylarose: 29/366 - All-Star Memories
rylarose: 30/366 - Say "Ahhhhh...."