Ben Ryerson: Oleanna
Ben Ryerson: Light and Shadow and a Cat
Ben Ryerson: nappin'
Ben Ryerson: Evil eye.
Ben Ryerson: O L E A N N A
Ben Ryerson: Christmas bows are my catnip.
Ben Ryerson: Oleanna on the bed.
Ben Ryerson: Oleanna on the floor.
Ben Ryerson: CAT | PAWS
Ben Ryerson: Oleanna in the Sun
Ben Ryerson: peekin'
Ben Ryerson: mmmm....nap.
Ben Ryerson: Still as stone.
Ben Ryerson: Oleanna on the fridge.
Ben Ryerson: Puny human, don't think I won't kill you while you sleep.
Ben Ryerson: profile.
Ben Ryerson: No, no. Don't get up.