Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Always ready to fly away....Black bellied whistling ducks...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Red-Crowned Woodpecker....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: House wren.....and what a singer he is.....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Southern Lapwing...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Southern Lapwing...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Southern Lapwing...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: I can see you.... Great Green Macaw...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Brushed with white paint.....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Dripping into the sea of tropical colour.......
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Tropical dream....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Grey Headed Chachalaca......
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Little Blue Heron.....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Blue Little Heron...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Blue Little Heron...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Three toed Sloth....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Three toed Sloth....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Three toed Sloth....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Rufescent Tiger-Heron...getting his lunch....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Rufescent Tiger-Heron...before lunch and showing his beautirul feathers...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Rufescent Tiger-Heron...after lunch...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Quiet moment in paradise.....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Butterflies in love....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Shiny, blue and shades of yellow....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Crimson-backed Tanager...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Red-legged Honeycreeper...He is still online and showing his back now;)
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Red-legged Honeycreeper...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Red-legged