Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Mute Swan in Autumn Sunset....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Mute Swan bathed in the sunset sunshine....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Showing his beauty...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Trumpeter swan landing....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Trumpeter's call...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Trumpeter chasing away Mute Swan...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: ...after Mute Swan...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: The ice is finally gone...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Mute Swan on the freezing waters of Ontario Lake....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: The song of a swan....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Enjoying the Sun...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Soft landing on Ontario Lake...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Mute swan flying over my head;)
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Checking his territory...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Checking his teritory...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: ..and showing of his feathers..
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Taking off to land on Ontario Lake..