Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Memories of Cullen Gardens....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Double Echinacea....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Thinking red wine....
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Lets play marbles...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Violets are blue????
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: November blooms...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: The & red
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Evening light on paradise flower..
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Bird of Paradise Flower...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Blossoms of Hawthorn Tree
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Creeping Phlox a star
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Creeping Phlox flower
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Pink shells from my garden..
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Hibiscus in pink…
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Wild purple flower
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: It was a poppy flower...
Christine Kapler / PASSED AWAY: Through blue petals..