® Ryan_xm: 靈山聖墓 the graves of Arab Muslim saints.
® Ryan_xm: 靈山聖墓 the graves of Arab Muslim saints.
® Ryan_xm: 清源山老君造像 Ancient sculpture of Taoism
® Ryan_xm: 清淨寺遺址 The relic of ancient mosque
® Ryan_xm: 泉州府文廟 The Confucian Temple
® Ryan_xm: 泉州府文廟大成殿內景 Inside of the Confucian Temple
® Ryan_xm: 泉州府文廟大成殿內景 Inside of the Confucian Temple
® Ryan_xm: 泉州府文廟大成殿內景 Inside of the Confucian Temple
® Ryan_xm: 泉州府文廟大成殿內景 Inside of the Confucian Temple
® Ryan_xm: 泉州府文庙 The Confucian Temple ,Quanzhou
® Ryan_xm: 泉州大開元萬壽禪寺 Kaiyuan Temple,Quanzhou
® Ryan_xm: 開元寺碑文
® Ryan_xm: 泉州大開元萬壽禪寺
® Ryan_xm: 清淨寺遺址
® Ryan_xm: 泉南舊事 Quanzhou,China