Ryan Nee: the nepal/india border
Ryan Nee: disgusting bathrooms
Ryan Nee: waiting room in ghorakpur
Ryan Nee: IMG_4921
Ryan Nee: smoggy sunset
Ryan Nee: IMG_4928
Ryan Nee: Safdarjang's tomb
Ryan Nee: IMG_4943
Ryan Nee: IMG_4951
Ryan Nee: Safdarjang's tomb
Ryan Nee: coming toward Humayun's tomb
Ryan Nee: tomb of Humayun
Ryan Nee: couple outside Humayun's tomb
Ryan Nee: light through a window at Humayun's tomb
Ryan Nee: me at Humayun's tomb
Ryan Nee: window detail at Humayun's tomb
Ryan Nee: detail of Humayun's tomb
Ryan Nee: a building near Humayun's tomb
Ryan Nee: leading to the baha'i temple
Ryan Nee: temple at sunset
Ryan Nee: birds
Ryan Nee: exiting the baha'i temple
Ryan Nee: lotus blossom at sunset
Ryan Nee: main bazaar, delhi
Ryan Nee: makeshift stereo
Ryan Nee: my room in delhi
Ryan Nee: the british council library
Ryan Nee: wall
Ryan Nee: wall
Ryan Nee: delhi cow