Ryan J John: Day One in which I hold the camera, look down at it, and ponder just exactly what it is I think I'm doing trying this again.
Ryan J John: Day Two in which I don a towel as a cape to mimick a superhero while standing in the last room in our house to be re-done and holding a broom which is barely visible.
Ryan J John: Day Three in which, during an epic space battle, a cylon raider turns towards my viper, only to find out through a pulse emitted from my eye, that I am, in fact, one of the Final Five cylons
Ryan J John: Day Four in which I take the photo mere seconds after sneezing.
Ryan J John: Day Five in which I hold up a golf ball to re-enact a scene from that episode of Seinfeld where George pretends to be a Marine Biologist
Ryan J John: Day Six in which I prove, successfully, the theorem that white men can't dance
Ryan J John: Day Seven in which I illustrate just how dorky I am with a chess set made up of the characters from The Lord of the Rings
Ryan J John: Day Eight in which I look down at a desktop picture of myself who is looking up at me
Ryan J John: Day Nine in which my exhaustion from last night really starts to show, only made more noticeable by tinkering around in photoshop
Ryan J John: Day Ten in which I make a Mother's Day Present from a Scrabble Board, some pictures, and some glue
Ryan J John: Day Eleven in which I cook for 12, yes, 12 people for Mother's day.
Ryan J John: Day Twelve in which I rock out as hard as anyone can with a Guitar Hero guitar
Ryan J John: Day Thirteen in which, There Will Be Blood
Ryan J John: Day Fourteen in which I explore negative space. It's a little scary.
Ryan J John: Day Fifteen in which I stand on my tippy toes in my Nike's and my PJ's and realize, with horror, how filthy my floor is.
Ryan J John: Day Sixteen in which I secretly take a self portrait at work
Ryan J John: Day Seventeen in which I contemplate.. something.. I don't know. Maybe I'm contemplating what I should be contemplating.
Ryan J John: Day Eighteen in which I smile at the camera through a gritty effect.
Ryan J John: Day Nineteen in which I reenact a scene from Weird Al's Trapped in the Drive-Thru, which is only slightly more ridiculous than R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet
Ryan J John: Day Twenty in which I hold up a two and a zero which have been cut, rather poorly, out of cardboard
Ryan J John: Day Twenty One in which I advertize the incredibly versitile Forget-Me-Now, from the funniest tv show ever made. Ever.
Ryan J John: Day Twenty Two in which I give the camera the crazy eye
Ryan J John: Day Twenty Three in Which I say Fuck You to Atlantic Gelatin, where my company has a lot of ongoing jobs, and where I have, unfortunately, spent most of my week
Ryan J John: Day Twenty Four in which I'm an alien. Oh yeah, I'm here
Ryan J John: Day Twenty Five in which I veg out in front of the TV and watch NCIS reruns.
Ryan J John: Day Twenty Six in which I... actually.. I got nothing for this one. Just some F-ing around.
Ryan J John: Day Twenty Seven in which I get my creep on
Ryan J John: Day Twenty Eight in which I look at you through an eye distorted by a polar seltzer bottle
Ryan J John: Day Twenty Nine in which I take a picture of myself in the mirror, post-haircut, pre-shower, at about midnight, after talking with my longest friend in the entire world
Ryan J John: Day Thirty in which I get all dressed up.. sort of.. ok, I admit it, I'm wearing pajama pants