ryangs: This was the Manistee and Northeastern
ryangs: This was also the Manistee and Northeastern
ryangs: This was the high bridge over the Manistee River
ryangs: This is the railroad museum in Kaleva, near the old High Bridge
ryangs: There is also a bottle house in Kaleva
ryangs: The bottle house is full of wacky old shit
ryangs: This is the Manistee River, near where the High Bridge once stood
ryangs: We will now go in search of the old High Bridge
ryangs: And here it is
ryangs: The top of the southern footer of the old High Bridge
ryangs: The southern top landing, from below
ryangs: Looking across the bridge's span
ryangs: Lots of concrete footers intact
ryangs: An old rail tie plate, I think
ryangs: Target practice near the old bridge
ryangs: Looking for the northern end
ryangs: The northern end, visible from a hiking trail
ryangs: Some low-budget railroading in Baldwin
ryangs: Arriving home at sunset